Perhaps you are an internal stakeholder promoting a digital transformation in your organization. Or you are an external advisor providing support and advice.

Using content from 7 of our eLearning modules, this package gives you a practical grounding in how to identify and sell digital transformation projects, either internally or externally. And it challenges you to change your perspective on your business and systems in the digital world.

Table of Contents

Cold Calling Essentials

Cold Calling is perhaps the most feared and misunderstood activity in B2B and B2C business development. Yet it is essential to the success of any business. It can be liberating, empowering and fulfilling. And it is a technique that can be easily taught, personalized, and transferred.

Through this module, we introduce you to the essentials of cold calling:

  • A Definition of Cold Calling and its Effectiveness
  • Essential Guidelines for Cold Calling
  • Examples of Cold Call Scripts
  • Dealing with Objections
  • Do’s and Don’ts in Cold Calling

The key intent of this module is to enable you with the basics you can practice, and get you to understand how important cold calling is in consulting.

Developing a Business Case

A Business Case is a comprehensive effort to obtain approval, or financial commitment to initiate a project of any type. Typically, it is a very well-structured written document, but it can also be in form of a detailed presentation.

The driving and underlying reason of the business case is that whenever some form of financial investment is required, whether in tools, products, resources, or in company effort, it should be supported by specific business needs or requirements.

In this module, you will learn the essentials of business case development:

  • What is a Business Case?
  • What is the Difference Between a Business Plan or Proposal and a Business Case?
  • Why is a Business Case necessary?
  • Who is Responsible for Building the Business Case?
  • The Eight steps to a Business Case
  • The Elements of a Business Case
  • Essential Sections of a Business Case

Identifying Business Issues and Opportunities

In a target-rich environment, there are more consulting opportunities than you could ever handle. Generally, though, not all opportunities are right for you or your company, so the critical part is identifying opportunities that are right for you.

Arguably, opportunity and business issue identification are the first steps in the process of discovering a new client, and in uncovering the opportunity to perform an engagement. Issue and opportunity identification is a key skill for business generation and growth.

This module teaches you this skill by exploring these topics:

  • Introduction to Identifying Opportunities
  • Porter’s 5 Forces
  • The 5 Cs
  • BCG Matrix
  • SWOT Analysis

Prospecting in Consulting

Prospecting is the art and science of having inside sales people in an organization make outbound calls or use outbound contact channels to generate sales leads.

In this module, you will learn or be able to practice the following:

  • What is a Prospect?
  • Why is Prospecting Necessary?
  • The Professional Services Sales Funnel
  • Steps in Prospecting
  • How to Fill Your Sales Funnel
  • Finding Your Clients

Whether you are working inside an enterprise to serve and support other functions. Or you are working with an outside sales team. Or even if you are new to sales and consulting. This module equips you with the prospecting skills necessary to generate interest in, and demand for, your services.


Solutioning means the process of finding a solution to a problem. It is about:

  • Innovation and creativity, on how to create new products and services,
  • Better, faster, and more efficient ways to do things,
  • Solving problems,
  • Discovering and creating new markets; markets that meet unknown, and untapped client needs and expectations.

As a result, innovation requires drive and discipline, to select and execute the best ideas and solutions. The first mover advantage is critical here, and what were traditionally the driving forces, such as technology, cost, and quality control, are now gravitating to creativity and speed to market, to stay ahead of the competition.

This module teaches the essentials of solutioning, including:

  • What is the Approach to Solutioning?
  • Six Steps to Problem Solving
  • Innovation and Creativity in Problem Solving
  • When Conventional Thinking Fails
  • Creative Problem Solving

Successful Teams

In this module, we will focus on the dynamics and ingredients of successful teams, whether they work in one location, multiple locations, or even completely virtually. We will introduce you to and expand on what we feel are the key factors that separate successful teams from mediocre ones. This includes:

  • The Habits of Highly Successful Teams
  • Required Elements of Teamwork
  • Some Views on Team Development
  • Characteristics of Effective and Ineffective Tea

What is Consulting and Why Do We Need It

Consulting is giving expert advice or guidance in different fields such as business aspects, technology, education, law, regulatory compliance, human resources, marketing, finance, health care, engineering, science, security, or any of many other specialized areas.

 Keeping up with daily operations is often hard enough and keeps management very busy. It is not always easy, or even possible to recruit and hire expert help to focus on revenue growth, expense control, strategy, training, or branding. To fill these gaps, many businesses, whether large or small, use the services of consultants. 

The focus of this module is to provide an overview of consulting that focuses on the different areas that affect business and technology.